Is Alzheimer’s part of your family history?


Every woman in that photo has, or had, Alzheimer’s disease. That’s my grandmother in the wheelchair (her mother had AD too). From left to right, my aunt, my cousin, my brother, and my mom. My cousin is now 61 and was diagnosed at age 58, my mom is in dementia care today.

You would think I would have been worried about my own risk for Alzheimer’s disease before I was 50. The truth is, I just hoped it wouldn’t happen to me and tried not to think about it. That changed one afternoon at my mom’s house. We were in the kitchen, she was slicing strawberries at the sink, and she told me the same thing 3 times in a row. She told it exactly the same way each time, as if she hadn’t just said it. I asked her if she realized she’d done that; she became defensive and replied “don’t you forget, I have a highly technical job that I go to everyday, and do very well”. Whoa! Houston, we have a problem. I did everything I could to get her to talk about it, but her denial was firm. Because I’d worked for an educational neuroscience company and understood brain plasticity – the ability of the brain to change – I asked her to try a well researched brain training program called Brain HQ, and she agreed. I sat with her the first time she used it and realized she was really in trouble. The year was 2012 and at that time the information I now have wasn’t available. She continued to get worse and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Her husband did what most people do; he put the Exelon patch on her and enrolled her in a clinical trial. Today, mom is in the last stage of Alzheimer’s.

I never allowed myself to seriously consider my own risk until 2015. In 2016 I became I certified practitioner of the Bredesen protocol for the prevention and reversal of Alzheimer’s disease (ReCODE). I use every aspect of it and I’ve structured my career around it to help others learn how to find and optimize the underlying contributors to Alzheimer’s before symptoms appear or as soon as possible afterward.

When you take the blinders off, the view changes. At 52 years old, the biggest mistake I could have made was to continue to ignore my own risk. Today, I’m so grateful to say, with confidence, that I’m preventing Alzheimer’s disease – and you can too. To learn more about the first program proven to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease, ,START HERE.

To learn how to implement the ReCODE protocol ,read about my online course and join the waitlist to be notified when it’s available.