I'm excited to share great news from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and...
Practical Guidance to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Reverse Mild Cognitive Impairment
Explore posts that highlight everyday applications for improving your brain health.
Alzheimer’s: The Stress Connection Part 2
This post is the second in a three-part series about stress in which I'm explaining the connection between Alzheimer’s disease and chronic stress. Stress reduction is, in my opinion, the most neglected part of Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment which is why I want...
Alzheimer’s: The Stress Connection Part 1
This the first in a series of three about the impact of chronic stress on the brain and body. Of all the factors that contribute to our ability to prevent, reverse, or manage Alzheimer’s disease, stress reduction seems to be the one that’s most often ignored and is...
Do You Really Need A Probiotic Supplement?
Have you noticed the popularity of pre and probiotic supplements? In 2018 the global probiotics market size was estimated to be 48 billion dollars, and it’s still growing. A lot of people are taking probiotics. I recently contacted a supplement company that...
One Easy Tip For A Healthy Gut
Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates stated that all disease begins in the gut. Today’s research confirms that optimal health requires a healthy gut. Many autoimmune, metabolic, and cognitive diseases do start with imbalances and disturbances within the gut microbiome....
Your Gut-Brain Connection | Alzheimer’s Proof
My clients who want to prevent or improve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are often surprised when I start asking about their gut health because it seems so unrelated to the brain. In fact, many of the things I ask about seem unrelated to the brain. That’s because...
Do Gut Issues Cause Insomnia?
When it comes to insomnia or fragmented sleep, no one has an Ambien deficiency. Something is interfering with the ability to sleep and while it’s easier to take a pill, it’s much better to figure out the cause and fix it. Drugs have side effects and they don’t stop...
An Unusual Tip for a Good Night’s Sleep
Last week I wrote about the importance of hydration for getting a good night’s sleep. Since sleep is so crucial for proper brain function and Alzheimer's prevention, I wanted to expand on the topic and provide another tip you may not have heard before. First, a quick...
Is Dehydration Disrupting Your Sleep?
I bet you already know that hydration and getting a good night's sleep are both important for proper brain function, but did you know the two are connected? It’s true, going to bed even mildly dehydrated can disrupt your sleep. Interestingly, it’s a two-way street as...
Is Alzheimer’s part of your family history?
Every woman in that photo has, or had, Alzheimer's disease. That's my grandmother in the wheelchair (her mother had AD too). From left to right, my aunt, my cousin, my brother, and my mom. My cousin is now 61 and was diagnosed at age 58, my mom is in dementia care...
Choline: An Essential Nutrient for Brain Health
It was once thought the brain was an independent organ that didn't require specific nutrients or hormones for proper function. Today we know there are a number of nutrients and hormones essential for overall brain health and cognitive function. One brain essential...